Cruiser Racing

Dinghy Sailing

TARS & Gaffers

Crew Wanted

Cruiser Racing

The Cruiser Racing Section organises a full program of racing throughout the year and always welcomes new competitors.

There are fleets to suit all types of boats and all levels of experience. The larger boats compete in an IRC handicap fleet while most of the smaller and family cruising boats compete in a performance handicap fleet.

Dinghy Sailing

Members sail a variety of old and new design classes, with PYs from 940 to 1200, both crewed and single handed. All types of dinghies are welcomed and the club facilities also allow some smaller keel boats to join in, such as Flying Fifteen, K1 and 2.4mR. Examples of regularly sailed classes at the club include the 2000, Firefly, Laser (Radial & Std), RS100, RS200, RS Aero, Solo, Topaz Magno and Vago dinghies. Events often also include members from the junior racing squads and race training, sailing 29er, 420, Fevas, Optimist and Topper dinghies.

Many of the club members sail on the bay for pleasure as well as racing. Cardiff Bay is one of the safest and most scenic stretches of water in the UK, with views from the water of the Wales’ opera house (the WMC) and the National Assembly for Wales. Activities take off in the summer with weather-dependent BBQs and social evenings, the highlight being the Summer CBYC Regatta day with its infamous 2 Rivers and Dragonboat races

The Dinghy Section assists with the control of storage of dinghies in the busy compound. Therefore to qualify for a berth in the dinghy compound for the following season all boats must be used regularly during the year, with allowances for new members. The policy is designed to encourage active participation and make best use of the limited space available. The Dinghy Section members are some of the most active and social sailors in the club, which is not surprising given the fantastic water and easy access at all times.

Sailing and racing is normally within the confines of the bay, but you can go through the barrage if you have an engine. Unusually for what is a large inland lake you can sail at any time but there is no rescue boat cover (outside of organised racing and training) so sailors must be sure the conditions are within their skill levels.

Weekly racing is organised jointly between Cardiff Bay Yacht Club (CBYC) and Cardiff Yacht Club (CYC). There is racing from February to December on Sundays throughout the year plus a Wednesday evening series from April to September. Duties are shared out to help with racing and volunteers are always welcome.

Thursday Afternoon  Race Series 

This is a weekly series of races for Cruisers who do not usually race in any other Club Series and want to experience racing, possibly for the first time. It runs from February to November, every Thursday afternoon starting at 12.30hrs. In addition to this, on the basis of sufficient interest, cruising in company may take place during the summer months.

Any Cruiser can enter, there is a £15 entry fee which covers a boat for the whole year. Simply complete the online entry form.

The TARS format is very simple. Triangular courses are laid and retrieved by the competitors. There is no Committee Boat to man and the race is run by the Race Officer on the water. A local handicap, the Cardiff Bay Rating, has been developed which ensures very close handicap racing, regardless of boat size, type and experience. New entrants will be allocated a ‘rating’ which will be adjusted after the completion of 4 races. Ratings are also adjusted after each series of which there are 3 per year, with prizes awarded after each series.

The aim is to have fair and fun racing. After racing the competitors adjourn to the bar and discuss the day’s events. In addition, TARS sailors communicate via a vibrant Facebook group and a WhatsApp group which are also used by the RO to pass information about upcoming races.

For further information simply turn up an hour before race start or contact Idris Dibble or Roger Wallington.

Roger Wallington
[email protected]

Idris Dibble
[email protected]

Entry Form
Gaffers in the Bay
The Gaffers hold weekly sails from the beginning of April to the end of September every Thursday afternoon/evening from 14.30 to one hour before sunset. There is a £15 entry fee which covers a boat for the whole year. Just complete the online entry form.

A local handicap, the Cardiff Bay Rating, has been developed which ensures very close corrected times, regardless of boat size, type and experience. New entrants will be allocated a Rating, based on the T(H)CF handicap formula, which will be adjusted after the completion of 4 sails. Ratings are also adjusted after each series of which there are 2 every year. Simple prizes are awarded after each series.

The Gaffers format is very simple, there is no committee boat and the organiser is one of the fleet. Triangular courses are laid by TARS, who sail earlier in the afternoon, and retrieved by the Gaffers in the evening. Each boat self times themselves around two consecutive laps. The idea is to have a good sail and everyone enjoys themselves. After sailing we adjourn to the bar for a jar, meal and a chat.

In addition, there will be sailing in company in the Bristol Channel organised by the OGA, the Association for Gaff Rigged boats, during the summer if tide and weather conditions permit. This is open to any boat.

Gaffers sailors talk to each other via a WhatsApp group which is also used by the organiser to pass information about upcoming events.

If you are interested just turn up on a event day or contact:

Roger Wallington
[email protected]

Entry Form

Crew Wanted

Immerse yourself in the exciting world of yacht racing within Crew Wanted community.

Whether you’re a seasoned racing professional or a newcomer eager to experience the thrill of the race, our community offers a welcoming atmosphere. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for competition and the open waters.

Regardless of your level of experience, our community provides a space to forge connections and assemble the perfect racing crew. To get involved join our Whatsapp community and introduce either as new crew or boat owners looking for crew.

Cardiff Bay Yacht Club invites you to immerse yourself in an environment of racing excellence, camaraderie, and growth. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the excitement. Join us now and become a part of the community!

Cruiser Racing

The Cruiser Racing Section organises a full program of racing throughout the year and always welcomes new competitors.

There are fleets to suit all types of boats and all levels of experience. The larger boats compete in an IRC handicap fleet while most of the smaller and family cruising boats compete in a performance handicap fleet.

Sailing News