Club Membership

The Club offers its members a wide range of facilities both nautical and social, with a fully piled pontoon system for members boats, subject to application.

When your membership is approved and you require a berth or dinghy space please fill in the Berthing Form and return to the office. Your details will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted when a suitable berth becomes available.

If you would like some more information before completing the form then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Full Membership

Per Year

Plus one-off joining fee
Student Membership

Per Year

Plus one-off joining fee
Crew Membership

Per Year

Plus one-off joining fee
Junior Membership

Per Year

Plus one-off joining fee

Application Proceedure

The application process usually takes around 6-8 weeks

Club FAQ's

Once your Membership has been approved, an invoice will be issued. Once this is paid your Welcome Pack will be prepared including your membership card which doubles as an access card for the gate/doors at the club.

When applying for membership there is also a one-off joining fee applied to all new memberships. This fee is in addition to your first membership invoice. If you have previously been a members and re rejoining the club then the joining fee may be waived provided that you resigned your previous membership in line with club bylaws.

The Club Membership year runs from 1st April to March 31st –renewal is issued automatically, on an annual basis. You will normally receive this in late march to early April.

Yes, we are able to reduce the initial fees and the figure varies depending on the date you join. Please contact the Membership Services Team for more information. The full membership renewal fee is due from April 1st regardless of your joining date, annual membership will renew on 1st April each year.

Membership is payable annually in advance, usually at the beginning of April. All membership fees are non-refundable.

Yes, all new memberships are subject to a 12-month probationary period.

The best option is to visit the club on event/race days and meet existing members. Please contact the Membership Service Team on 02920 666 627 for more information on the best days/times for you to visit.

A prior member must still complete the membership application process however, if approved, you may not need to pay a ‘joining fee’. (see above)