CBYC Angling
Welcome To The Angling Section
We have an active events calendar with approximately 26 competitions held throughout the year. These competitions vary in format, challenging anglers to catch the most species in a day; with points awarded for species type and fish length. Each of these competitions require diverse strategies to test the angler.
Throughout the 26 competitions there is chance to catch the ‘specimen of the year’, and in 2025, we are targeting Cod, Bass, Bull Huss and Thornbacks, with the opportunity to win a cash prize of £50 at the Annual Presentation Evening.
We also manage a ‘species hunt’ which runs for a number of months, and surprisingly, in 2024, we caught 43 different fish species within the Bristol Channel. Prizes in this competition were presented to the ‘top 10’ anglers, with Best Ladies & Junior prizes also awarded.
The club is self-funding and stages two Open Competitions each year. The OPEN Cod Competition is now in its 47th year and attracts an average of 120 boats with 430 anglers, often fishing for a prize table valued at £7.5k! In 2024, we ran the inaugural Summer Open Competition which attracted 36 boats and 114 anglers, targeting the 4 longest fish.
Over the last 4 years, the section moved to ‘catch and release’ fishing – whereby we now compete by measuring and photographing fish, before release.
The section communicates through WhatsApp group and Facebook page. We work hard to raise money for charity, frequently raising over £2,000 from charity-focused competition, which we run in memory to previous section members. The Open Competitions, typically split 50:50 with cancer charities and the RNLI.
The membership cost of the Angling Section is £20 p.a., which enables the section to promote competitions, maintain prize money and ensure the availability of fishing equipment in competition.
The Angling Section Committee volunteer many hours, and dedication to the running of the club. We meet on a monthly basis and work to provide a variety of competitions and ensure financial balance.
We are dedicated to fostering the growth of our section and plan to expand our offerings to engage more young people in our sport.
Tight Lines
Committee CBYC Angling Section

SUMMER Competition 2025
SATURDAY, 28th June 2025.
Starting Time 0800hrs - to- Last Weigh-in at 1815hrs.
000 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds
1/. All Competitors MUST REPORT to the Registration Marshal at the Clubhouse at least one hour before the Start Fishing Time(s). Labels will be issued upon registration. Any Competitor failing to register will be DISQUALIFIED from the Competition.
2/. A minimum boat length has been set at 16ft/4.8m for safety reasons due to risk assessment if weather conditions deteriorate during the competition and difficulties boats may face in navigating around Lavernock Point (the Ranny) in such conditions.
3/. All participating boats will be subject to Boarding and Inspection by Competition Marshals or Scrutineers, prior to the Start Fishing Time, on the day of the Competition.
4/. All participating boats MUST remain within the confines of the WAITING AREA as indicated on the attached chart. Please, do not start fishing whilst waiting for the Start Time. Anyone leaving the waiting area before 8.00am will be disqualified.
5/. The Start Time will be signalled by a Blast on an air horn at 8.00am & announcement on Channel 16 VHF. EXACTLY.
6/. CANCELLATION. In the event of extreme weather conditions prevailing on the day, the decision to cancel the Competition, taking into consideration the sizes of the smallest boats entered, will be made by the C.B.Y.C. Angling Section Committee. This decision will be made on the Sunday by 6am. Therefore, any Pre-Registered Competitors should ring the club any time after 0600hrs. 029 2022 6575. (Please also see Rule 17)
7/. If a Designated Fishing Area has been indicated, all participating boats will be required to remain in this Area for the duration of the Competition.
No two boats shall come together, other than in the case of an emergency.
8/. Competitors shall fish with no more than two rods only and with a maximum of three hooks per rod. A treble hook shall count as three hooks. A third rod SHALL NOT BE ASSEMBLED for jigging, feathering or any other reason.
9/. Gill nets, Trawl Nets, or any other form of Commercial Net, Longlines, Deadlines, or Handlines are forbidden. Any boat found carrying any such equipment will be automatically disqualified, together with all competitors aboard that boat.
10/. All persons carried upon a participating boat MUST HAVE ENTERED THE Competition.
11/. All fish to be weighed are to be landed at the C.B.Y.C. Pontoon and taken to the Weigh-in Marshal with Competitor’s Identification Label. Scales will be open from 4.30pm and will close at 6.15pm EXACTLY.
12/. The Competition, having started at 8.00am, will finish when the Weighing-in closes at 6.15pm. Any fish brought to the scales after the final Weigh-in Time WILL be disqualified.
13/. The minimum weight of a Cod eligible to be weighed in shall be 2kg.
14/. The Weigh-in Marshal shall ensure that all fish are clearly marked following weighing. All fish other than Prize Fish will be available for collection from the Weigh-in Area half an hour after the last weigh-in. (Please also see Rule 18). All fish will be gutted once weighed-in.
15/. Weigh Marshal’s decision shall be final and irrevocable, bearing in mind that there will be a Independent Adjudicator present, overseeing the Weigh-in.
This Adjudicator will also have the power to disqualify any fish he feels to be ineligible, for whatever reason!
16/. (I) The Winners of the PRIZES, SHALL NOT be eligible to win any other prize on the day of the Competition. This is a Cod Only Competition and all prizes will be for Cod ONLY. (Please also see Rule 20).
NB. In the unlikely event of two fish being of exactly the same weight, the following shall apply:-
1St Prize: If two fish of exactly the same weight are weighed–in, the 1st & 2nd prize monies will be added together and each winner will receive half of that total amount, i.e. £650 each. Also, the next heaviest fish will then qualify for the 3rd Prize. A coin will be tossed to allocate Lowrance and Daiwa prizes.
2nd Prize: If two fish of exactly the same weight are weighed–in, the 2nd & 3rd prize monies will be added together and each winner will receive half of that total amount, i.e. £250 each. Also, the next heaviest fish will then qualify for the 4th Prize.
3rd Prize: If two fish of exactly the same weight are weighed–in, the prize money will consist of the original £200, to which the Angling Section will add £100, making a total of £300 which will be divided between the two winners. I.E. £150 each.
(II) Should the number of Cod landed be less than the number of prizes available, the prizes outstanding will be allocated on a lottery basis. Therefore, it’s important that you retain the raffle ticket which will be given to you when you register on the morning of the Competition.
17/. In the event of any Competitor wishing to lodge a protest against the conduct of any other Competitor, The protestor must:
Inform the Competitor who is the subject of the protest, that a protest is being lodged against him / her, as soon as is practically possible.
Give details of the matter(s) forming the basis of the protest IN WRITING, together with a Protest Fee of £10.00 in cash, to an officer of the C.B.Y.C. Angling Section not later than half an hour after the completion of Weighing In, on the day of the protest.
18/. In the event of bad weather causing the Competition to be cancelled the competition will be rearranged for the 12th January 2025, If that competition is cancelled, the Prizes will be distributed amongst the Pre-registered Competitors Only, by means of a Lottery.
19/. Fish not collected from the Weigh-in Point on the day of the Competition, will be sold and the proceeds donated to the R.N.L.I.
20/. The Management Committee the Cardiff Bay Yacht Club reserve the right to reject any application for entry into this Competition.
21/. In the interests of health and the environment, it would be appreciated if any unwanted fish or bait etc, is disposed of away from the Bay and Club grounds and NOT IN THE CLUB SKIP. Thank You.
1/. FEE. The Entrance Fee for this Competition shall be £15.00, provided the entry is Pre- Booked. I.e. received by 6pm on Sunday 5th November 2023 Otherwise, for all other entries, received after 6pm Sunday, 5th November 2023, or on the day, the entry cost will be £20.00.
2/. INSURANCE. Competitors are required to make their own individual arrangements regarding insurance against personal loss, damage or injury. The latter being for a minimum of £3 million.
3/. LIABILITY. Neither to the Club, (C.B.Y.C.), the Angling Section, nor within the boundaries of the Club, shall we accept liability for any loss, damage or injury occurring during the course of the Competition.
4/. BAIT. Competitors are required to make their own arrangements regarding the supply of Bait.
5/. PONTOON. Competitors are quested to clear the face of A or D Pontoon as soon as possible after boarding, loading or landing there, in order that the Pontoon shall be available for use by Club Members and other Competitors.
6/. TIDES. Tide details for this Competition are:
1st December 2024- High Tide, 07.43AM, Height: 11.4m
12th January 2025 – High Tide 06.27AM Height 10.6m
The above times are GMT.
7/. ANCHOR. Competitors are advised to ensure that they are equipped with an anchor suitable for the individual boat, together with appropriate ground tackle to prevent dragging. Small “Grapple” type anchors are considered inadequate in this area of the Bristol Channel.
8/. SAFETY. Competitors are warned against overloading small boats and are advised to carry and use, the recommended safety equipment – i.e. compass, life jackets and flares etc.
9/. RADIO. Now that we are no longer tidal, communication with the Barrage is necessary prior to locking in or out. A VHF radio is an advantage for communication with the Barrage on Channel 18. Alternatively, the Barrage can be contacted, by Mobile Phone, 029 2070 0234.
Competitors using Marine VHF are reminded that in order to avoid interfering with HM Coastguards’ Traffic, THE USE OF CHANNEL 16 SHOULD BE KEPT TO THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, but in the event of an emergency situation, you should follow the RECOMMENDED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES with HM Coastguards, via Channel 16.
10/. REGISTRATION. A Registration Marshal will be on duty in the clubhouse for two hours prior to the Start Fishing Time and until 9.00am on the day of the Competition. (See Rule 1.)
11/. DANGER AREAS. THE WOLVES. A ridge of rock pinnacles extending from the Northern Shore of Flat Holm to the Wolves marker Buoy. THIS AREA SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS.
THE RANNIE. This is an area of turbulence caused by converging currents, which extends from Lavernock Point toward Flat Holm and should be treated with extreme caution / respect since surface water conditions can be very rough when certain winds prevail.
12/. Early entry is advisable, as entrants may have to be restricted due to the volume of vessels requiring locking through the Barrage, at the start and finish of the Competition.
13/. Barrage Control tell us that locking out for the start of the Competition can be achieved in a reasonable length of time, approx. 60 boats locked out in 45 minutes. That is the three locks, locking out 10 boats each, at a time. The most delay is likely to be caused by boats sorting themselves out ready for the lock.
NB. You cannot book a lock. You must call the Barrage when you are ready and then they will tell you which lock to use and when to enter it.
14/. The Competition is held in an area adjacent to the main shipping channel to and from the Port of Cardiff. Please do not anchor or wait in the approach channel. If it is necessary to cross the approach channel, particularly the buoyed channel (known as the Wrach Channel), Please do so as quickly as possible and at a right angle.

The Committee
The committee for 2024/25 is as follows : Harvey Preston(chairman), Phil Evans (vice chair) Alan Thorne (treasurer) Paul Ackerman (membership sec) Scott Mcarthy, Steve Lane, Tony Walsh.
Anyone who is interested in joining the Angling Section, or perhaps aspiring to become a committee member, will always be in receipt of a warm welcome. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the ‘Quarter Deck Bar’ at 19.30, we look forward to your company. It is worth noting that the Angling Section not only excels in promoting the sport of angling but also offers a very attractive social calendar with several ‘get togethers’ often including an invited artiste.
Hope to see you soon.
Harvey Preston (Chairman)