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TARS Results 7th March

A cold, windy day but the TARdies came out to play, apart from those with a sick note! The start was almost massed that reinforced the collective noun for the TARS fleet - the TARdies. Several strategies were tried but it only worked for the smallest boat in the fleet, Little Merlin a Bay Raider Expedition. A new helm whose contract has expired and may be available on a free transfer.

As always Ragamuffin eventually hit the front and went on to lead the fleet home. No spinnaker today. It was tight fought in the middle order and Little Merlin crossed the line third but on corrected time took race honours by a margin. Congratulations to Koco and Supermac that came 2nd and 3rd respectively on corrected time.

The results of the race and the series so far are in the blog file below. More photos will be posted on the TARS Facebook page.

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