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TARS Results 6th June

When the octogenarians are away TARS dissolves into chaos! Ragamuffin was on the race sheet but no time recorded - DNS? The optican called and a new lens prescription determined that will mean that the timekeepers watch can be read in future! I did manage a few photos of the start and part of the first lap. That showed 9 boats, not including Ragamuffin!! Times are only available for 8 - even more of a mystery.

Big Merlin took off and left the field standing overtaking most of the fleet. New main sail now under control! At the other end Argento sailed very conservatively after the fright on Tuesday evening when caught in a nasty squall, coming last on corrected time. Congratulations to Rosie on taking race honours, very closely followed by big Merlin and Gentianella all covered by just 18 seconds on corrected time. Note: just spelt Gentianella incorrectly - the auto correction was Flagellation!! There's a thought!

The club has introduced a WhatsApp umbrella for all sections, TARS being one of them. To join either open WhatsApp, search for Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, click on the group when all sub-groups should be visible. Click on TARS and Join. OR click on the link

The results of yesterdays race and the series so far is in the blog file below and some of the photos I managed to take are published on the TARS Facebook page.

TARS Spring 2024 7a
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