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TARS Results 2nd May

Congratulation to Koco skippered by Nick Niklasson on winning the Frostbite Series, Koco was followed by Sabina and Billie-Anne.

Yesterdays race started under a gusty cloud cover and finished the same way, but the forecast wet weather thankfully did not materialize. The race took place over 5 laps, or was it 6, for the faster boats. Our RO, again with a sick note, ran out of fingers! The slower boats did one lap less. Big Merlin lead the fleet throughout but even with her new main sail, now setting better, could not beat the well sailed little Merlin, a Bay Raid Expedition, well skippered by John Guy to race honours. He was followed by Nutmeg and then big Merlin.

The conditions were not particularly suitable for photography but some are posted on the TARS Facebook page. The results of the race and the series so far are in the blog file below.

TARS Spring 2024 3a
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