No, it's not another new set of sails on the barrage, it's Ragamuffin trying sideways sailing! A very gusty sail with breakages, retirements, confusion over the number of laps and a delayed start! Just a typical TARS sail. BUT the real pearls of wisdom come from Sue, TARS sailing is better than staying at home with hubby!! So come on, join us.
It was another GT day, Gentianella not Gin and Tonic. She smashed the fleet again by about 4 minutes on corrected time and is confirmed as top dog in the Summer Series. Roll on lighter winds. At the back end came Artemis who had broken her tiller extension, the RO kindly allowed her to finish after two laps, the rest were crammed in the middle. All followed by a chat in the bar.
The results are in the blog file below and more photos are posted on the TARS Facebook page.