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TARS Results 23rd November

A race of two halves. Reef down for the first half and benign for the second that severely affected the heavier boats. The wind really picked up after the start and many bottoms were on show as well as some griping up even though well reefed. Our driver reverted to normal practice, tacking before warning the crew in panic! The usual boats shot off into the distance but as the wind dropped it became more tactical with the wing shifting each lap. Many interesting duals took place all through the fleet.

Only 13 seconds on corrected time covered the first three boats with Blackjack just taking race honours very closely followed by big Merlin and then Nutmeg. Photography was a bit iffy due to our driver not being in complete control but I managed some that are on the TARS Facebook page. Only one more race to go this year before a short break. The 2024 Frostbite starts in early February.

The results of yesterday's race and the series so far are in the blog file below.

TARS Autumn 2023 9
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