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TARS Results 20th July

What a funny sail! Argento almost rigged her spinnaker but didn't, the wind almost came from the same direction but didn't, Ragamuffin almost paid a penalty at Graham's buoy but didn't, it almost rained but didn't, Little Merlin almost got over the finish line but didn't, but Supermac did! It was one of those days.

The fun was in the middle of the fleet with everyone tripping over themselves but weed struck again with Little Merlin falling to the back and getting caught in the doldrums with Supermac just metres from the finish line. Little Merlin felt the pull of a pint in the bar and gave up but Supermac persevered for another few minutes and finished, albeit with a large time penalty. Another typical TARS day.

The results of the race and the series so far are in the blog file below.

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