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TARS Results 17th August

Action photos again as the decrepit crew of Argento take to the water again and fail miserably in an interesting race! A strong and gusty wind from the southeast at the start dropped to a rather benign wind at the end of the race. Those who reefed regretted it as the wind dropped but there were plenty of bottoms on view at the start, some needing a clean! A few incidents due to the gusts causing a bit of confusion but overall a great race, at least it didn't rain.

The results on corrected time are also interesting, a dead heat between Billie-Anne and Koco with Blackjack again taking race honours after some sideways sailing. More photos on the TARS Facebook page and the results of yesterday's race and the series so far are in the blog file below. Just two more races left in the Summer series, weather permitting.

TARS Summer 2023 8
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