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TARS Results 15th June

Ooops! Is it supposed to fly like this? Another scorcher and the drink in the bar later was very welcome. Not that much wind and it died on the last lap leaving the slower boats in difficulty. Again the best competition was at the back of the fleet which consisted of 13 boats, not quite a record. Nice to see Ragamuffin and Chantal joining in and also welcoming back an old friend, Celtic Spray.

Koco again took race honours - must tie a bucket to her stern! Just one more race in this extended series where we have seen just 50% of the scheduled races sailed due to adverse weather conditions. The review of CB ratings is going well and the revisions will probably be introduced at the start of the Summer Series.

As always more photos will be published on the TARS Facebook page. The results of yesterday's race and the series so far are in the blog file below.

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