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TARS Results 14th March

Weather not quite as forecast. Five hardy TARdies braved the conditions, a cool gusty southerly and managed 4 laps around a large course expertly laid. Apart from the confusion about which end of the start line was a mark of the course and a few very heavy gusts all went well. The course was not ideal for photography as the start was at the hotel end and even with a long lens did not do justice to the excitement (?) of the start. By the time the fleet arrived at the club end of the course its was considerably spread out and this procession continued until the finish.

Congratulations to Koco for taking race honours with Ragamuffin next followed by Supermac. The results of the race and the series so far is in the blog file below and additional photos are on the TARS Facebook page.

TARS Autumn 2024 5a
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