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TARS Results 12th October

A dull and drizzly day met 11 intrepid TARS boats including a rejuvenated Nutmeg whose skipper, rumour has it, has located another set of balls after visiting the bank manager! The wind blew, sort of, from the Senedd but slowly ran out of puff. Both Ragamuffin and Pele flew their spinnakers successfully on the final leg as the failing wind changed direction yet again. Our driver made the decision that the course was not suitable for a spinnaker and so we lost out hugely on that last leg.

The start line was perfect and everyone successfully crossed it, Big Merlin disappeared into the distance followed by two groups who fought it out in their own race, even splitting upwind and coming back together again at the windward mark.

Congratulations to Koco for taking race honours on corrected time followed closely by Billie-Anne and Nutmeg complete with balls. In the final result, the spinnakers made little difference.

The results of yesterday's race and the Autumn Series so far are in the blog file below. More photos are on the TARS Facebook page.

TARS Autumn 2023 6
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