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Covid Update 19.12.20

Dear Member,

I would have loved to post out a joyful Christmas update but unfortunately, we find ourselves once again trying to cope with difficult lockdown regulations that impact on all of us.

The Level 4 Covid restrictions which came into force on the 19th required us to close the clubhouse and suspend all non-essential activities. The restrictions should be reviewed in the New Year and we will keep members informed of any changes.

The club has no choice but to observe these new legal restrictions and we would expect our members to comply with the current Welsh Government 'stay at home’ guidelines which include not travelling except for essential purposes. During this period the office will be closed to visitors but members can contact the staff by phone or email as normal. The bar and restaurant are obviously closed and the staff have been furloughed.

The clubhouse, including the main toilets and showers, will remain shut until further notice but the two members toilets situated at the ground level waterside of the clubhouse will remain accessible with the use of your member's card. Please make sure you use sanitizing products and leave the area clean after use. I would encourage you to wear facemasks, particularly where it is difficult to socially distance and when entering the building.

The club's yard staff will maintain a daily inspection of the boats at the club and will endeavour to contact the member if there is a problem or a safety issue with a member’s boat but this does not remove the responsibility that an owner has for looking after their craft.

Under the lockdown regulations of ‘Only essential travel allowed’ we would not expect members to visit the club but if you think that your boat requires essential and urgent attention that cannot be rectified by the yard staff then it will be your decision and responsibility to resolve the problem at your own risk.

If you have to visit your boat please be aware the continued risk to health of the COVID-19 pandemic and Social Distancing must be maintained at all times especially keeping a safe distance on the pontoons and on narrow walkways by making use of passing places and/or waiting for others to exit the walkway.

The site will remain accessible with your gate card and contractors working at the club or on member’s boats should contact the yard staff or main office by phone when they arrive on site. The yard fees will again be suspended for the period of this lockdown.

As a bit of nostalgia, I have attached the members update from last year to remind us of how things could be and hopefully, will be by Christmas 2021!

We hope this finds you well at the end of a difficult 2020, with best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Chris Pain

Commodore, CBYC

On behalf of the Committee of Management

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CF11 0JL

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