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BHF Fun Race 30 August

What a great day for a sail, sun, and a good wind. The mark layers provided additional entertainment by getting warps wrapped around RIB props! There were 19 entries in total, 12 cruisers, 3 Gaffers, and 4 RS21s. Altogether some £575 was collected for the BHF and it is still rising.

Thanks are due to Idris Dibble and Tony Davies for being in the committee boat, and Simon Watts for presenting the prizes. The overall winner was Pele, a Marieholm 26, helmed by Len Careless, the first Gaffer, Morgan La Fay, a Cornish Shrimper, helmed by Bob Lang, and the RS21 winner was helmed by James Dwyer who was nabbed try to pinch all the goodies!

Another great BHF event and thanks to everyone who took part, especially those trying to master the quiz questions and failing! Tony Davies and family took home an extra tin of sweeties for having the highest score. All the photos on the TARS Facebook page.

The final placings are in the file below

BHF Final Results 2022
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